Learners’ Autonomy and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL): Perceptions of Undergraduate Students


  • Omama Khan
  • Zaheer Ullah
  • Iman Bakht
  • Saman Bibi


Mobile-Assisted Language Learnin, MALL, Learner Autonomy, ndependent Learning, Personalized Learning


Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) has emerged as a promising methodology to enhance learner‟s self-sufficiency in the domain of language teaching and learning process. This research paper aimed to examine the influence of MALL on the development of learners‟ autonomy in undergraduate students, enrolled at the University of Malakand, Pakistan. The study is based on two distinct premises, namely: examining learners` attitude towards the influence of MALL on the learner‟s autonomy, and understanding learners` perceptions about techniques for independent learning. The study utilized Connectivism as a theoretical framework for the conducted questionnaire survey, as well as, the thematic analysis of open-ended responses, including data collection and analysis. In addition, the researchers also used random sampling technique to gather survey responses for the proposed research on „Learners‟ Autonomy and Mall: Perception of Undergraduate Students‟. Consequently, 78 students participated in the survey from University of Malakand. The results of the survey show that MALL has positive impact on learners` autonomy by providing learners the prospect to engage in autonomous learning and adapted language practice. Further, the results also indicate that certain themes, namely personalized learning, adaptive technologies, and feedback mechanisms, are highly regarded by participants as means of adopting learner autonomy. The findings of the survey indicate that the utilization of MALL has a beneficial effect on the development of learner autonomy in undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Malakand. This research adds to the importance of MALL in ESL classroom by emphasizing its capacity to promote learner independence. Finally, the study offers valuable perspectives for teachers and curriculum developers to enhance MALL resources and approaches.




How to Cite

Omama Khan, Zaheer Ullah, Iman Bakht, & Saman Bibi. (2024). Learners’ Autonomy and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL): Perceptions of Undergraduate Students. Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature, 3(1), 331–343. Retrieved from https://journals.airsd.org/index.php/pjll/article/view/455


