Panacea Journal of Linguistics & Literature <p><strong>Focus and Scope</strong></p> <p>Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature (PJLL) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of linguistics and literature. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.</p> <p><strong>The journal includes, but is not limited to the following fields:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Theoretical linguistics (cognitive linguistics, generative linguistics, functional theories of grammar, quantitative linguistics, phonology, quantitative linguistics, phonology, morphology – syntax, lexis, semantics, pragmatics);</li> <li>Descriptive linguistics (anthropological linguistics, comparative linguistics, historical linguistics, phonetics, etymology, sociolinguistics);</li> <li>Applied linguistics (computational linguistics, evolutionary linguistics, forensic linguistics, internet linguistics, language acquisition and assessment, language documentation, revitalization, development and education, linguistic anthropology, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, second-language acquisition);</li> <li>Literature theory, literary movements, literary evolution;</li> <li>Forms of literature, literary genre, oral and written literary genres;</li> <li>Literature by period: ancient literature, early medieval and medieval literature, renaissance literature, early modern and modern literature, comparative literature studies</li> <li>Literature concepts, literary critics, and literary criticism;</li> <li>Literature creation, authors, writers, editing, publishing, and literature distribution;</li> <li>History of literature, literature movements, biographies</li> <li>Discourse Analysis</li> <li>African Literature</li> <li>American Literature</li> <li>English Literature</li> <li>South Asian Literature</li> <li>ELT</li> <li>TESOL</li> </ul> en-US (Dr. Muhammad Ajmal) (AIRSD Support Team) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Oppression in Nigerian and Pakistani Women: A Comparative Feminist Study of The Joys of Motherhood and The Bride <p><em>This study explores close -critical feministic analysis of the selected novels The Joys of Motherhood and Pakistani The Bride to uncover oppression against female object in Asian and African societies that how females are subjected and ill- treated in the male dominated society. This study is qualitative in nature while sampling technique is purposive. Theoretical framework of black feminism by Bell Hooks (1981) is employed to bring into limelight the sufferings and miseries of women in the male-controlled settings. The critical readings of this study depict many a similarities and differences between the selected novels and the ways of behavior conduction and treatment against women in their respective societies. Moreover, it examines the nature of oppression against women in the Pakistani and Igbo stereotype cultures in order to expose the unfair behavior against female as a mother, wife and daughter that how she is subjugated to coercion and cruelty even her exploitation and mistreatment in the patriarchal settings. This study concludes that both the selected Nigerian and Pakistani novels explore the unjust practices faced by a woman in the male dominated cultures; where aggression, and violence is acceptable and where separation and divorce is inevitable, while the support is limited and confined for herself.</em></p> Shumaila Naureen, Farhat Meher, Umbreen Afzal Copyright (c) 2024 Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unlocking Themes through Figurative Language: A Stylistic Analysis of Maki Kureishi’s Cripple and Curfew Summer <p><em>This study examines the use of figurative language in Maki Kureishi's two selected poems, Cripple and Curfew Summer. The research aims to investigate how Kureishi uses various literary devices to convey complex emotions and ideas, especially related to the themes of both poems. This study is based on qualitative method that finds out what figures of speech are used in both poems by applying stylistic techniques in it. This analysis interprets these devices and how they act in supporting and enhancing the overall purpose of the texts. The material for this research is collected from the original text of the poems, and also from other resources, including scholarly articles, books, and literary critiques. The analysis of poems through close reading helps in highlighting the figurative language, and how it pursues the reader towards comprehension of the poem’s themes more effectively. In this analysis, major figures of speech are explored such as metaphor, personification, symbolism, and imagery. In the results, Kureishi's employment of figurative language is central to her poetic style. For example, in Cripple, she uses elements such as metaphor and imagery to examine themes of social isolation and personal resilience. Whereas In Curfew Summer, the use of personification and symbolism highlights the tensions and anxieties faced by people during the time of crisis. The research concludes that personification and metaphor are prominent devices in these poems. It emphasizes the importance of figurative language in uncovering the key themes in Kureishi’s poetry and develops the reader's connection to the experiences described in the poems.</em></p> Tahir Hussain Chang, Dr. Saima Yousaf Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Economic Inequality, Climate Change, and Hope: A Multidisciplinary Reading of The Ministry for the Future <p><em>Author Kim Stanley Robinson posits minute problems of climate change, economic inequality, and geopolitical strife into a larger work of art, thus extending the narrative beyond the boundaries of speculative fiction to become one of the most important thought experiments. This essay investigates Robinson's ambitious vision of climate policy as an impetus for international collaboration and socio-economic change. Critically examining proposed remedies for degradation and disparities in economics, with respect to the practicality, an ethical basis, and consistency with contemporary climate discourse of this remedy, involves ecocritical and interdisciplinary approaches to novel study. Other topics-one that goes down into critical line surveying resilience, ethics in governance, eco-terrorism, and moral duties of affluent nations where pursuit of scientific or intellectual inquiry converges with ethical preoccupations and causes and consequence engagement. Synthesizing understanding and perspectives from political theory, economic paradigms, and environmental scholarship, this paper delves into how the genre might depict the future of sustainable development, climate equity initiatives, and international policymaking-precisely because this book is presented as both a warning and a guide for great change.</em></p> Adnan Ali, Frafsa Rehman Copyright (c) 2024 Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Eco-critical Analysis of Aamer Hussein’s Short Story A Convalescence <p><em>Ecocriticism is the study of the interaction of nature and literature that analyzes how literary works portray the natural world, environment, backgrounds, themes and elements in particular regions or places. Ecological literature is interested in how people interact with their natural surroundings. The focus of this research project is to closely analyze a Pakistani literature short fiction A Convalescence by Aamer Hussein, using an ecocritical lens. It provides the theoretical framework of Greg Garrard’s notion of ecocriticism and examines its connections to environmentally oriented literary works and how nature affects human health in the selected work. It also examines how Hussein has utilized language in his literary works to convey his environmental message.&nbsp; In a nutshell, this project emphasizes the importance of nature in man-made culture and further studies on ecocriticism in Pakistani literature to raise environmental consciousness.</em></p> Nadira Zulfiqar Copyright (c) 2024 Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Identity and Sociopolitical Power Dynamics in Mohsin Hamid’s The Last White Man <p><em>The Last White Man by Mohsin Hamid offers a potent examination of societal change and identity crises. This study examines how the novel portrays the emotional and societal scuffles related to identity, predominantly through diasporic practices. With Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the study scrutinizes the language, ideologies and power structures of the description. This qualitative approach exposes how the text occupies sociopolitical orders, historical backgrounds and cultural transferences. The central character, Anders, suffers a transformation from white to black, denoting a deep loss of self. This variation forces him to challenge societal biases and straight approaches of isolation, dismissal and agony practices that reflect the tests confronted by many diasporic characters. From Anders’ journey, the novel reviews how society connects whiteness with honor and recognition, while blackness embodies downgrading and marginalization. His change high spot the widespread nature of these concepts and the psychological peal they take on characters. By scrutinizing the interaction among language and sociopolitical themes, the study discloses how Hamid practices Anders’ story to encounter extremely entrenched views of race and belonging. The findings offer a sophisticated understanding of the novel’s appraisal of societal power dynamics and its focus on the convolutions of identity in a varying world. Eventually, this research determines how The Last White Man summonses readers to mirror on their own partialities and the structures that figure our understanding of race and identity, proposing a persuasive appeal for compassion and change.</em></p> Samira Mahboob, Omera Saeed, Ayesha Siddiqa, Fatima Dilawer Copyright (c) 2024 Panacea Journal of Linguistics and Literature Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000